
Firewalk 2012 On June 23, 2012 Summer Solstice was celebrated over the weekend at Heaven in the Woods near Sandy Lake, Pennsylvania. What follows is a developing story based on photographs, personal accounts, and essays of the participants. Below are links to the reflections and memories from participants. If you would like to contribute, please…

Ronald Headley

I had thought of putting myself in as an attendee however I did speak at WLC on several occasions and events so I guess that would make me an instructor.  Anyway I was known as “The Mystic Traveler” – I have a tendency to just “show up” at conferences and events including WLC.  I first…

Charlene Anderson

Charlene, Don Anderson’s wife lived full-time at Warren Light Center for a number of years.  Charlene registered the attendees,  put together the program booklets, kept up with things like correspondence, the mailing lists, getting things mailed, and making her home open to anyone that showed up at WLC either during events or when there was…

Don Anderson

Don and his wife Charlene were long time permanent residents of Warren light center.  They lived in a mobile home that was located at the bend where to the left was the landing field and to the right was the main part of the center itself. Don was the caretaker of the land.  He made…