Sol Lewis was the founder of the Michigan Metaphysical Society.

Sol was a frequent participant at Warren Light Center gatherings. He was an active and popular speaker, teacher, and instructor who often brought a number of people from Michigan with him.

Besides being knowledgeable in metaphysics and an impressive inspiring teacher, Sol was also highly skilled in Hypnosis and in using Hypnosis for positive live changes.

His family has graciously given permission for us to host Sol’s book Awareness and several audiotapes on this site which you can find by clicking on Sol’s name to the right of this post.

To address errors posted here and originally on the Warren Light Center com site, his son David Lewis gave us the following correction. – Editor

Sol Lewis was a great supporter of WLC and spent many summers there.

Sol WAS NOT a Jewish refugee, nor did he spend any time in a concentration camp… or have numbers tattooed to his arm.

He was born and raised by Jewish parents in Detroit, MI, in 1918, drafted by the US Army and served in Europe during WWII. He was shot in the legs and taken prisoner by the Nazis and spent 6-9 months in a German POW camp—Stalag IX-B near Bad Orb in Hesse, Germany—the worst of the worst.

When he was liberated from the camp (by, I believe, Patton’s army) and sent home on the Queen Mary Hospital Ship, weighing 93 pounds.

He spent time in army hospitals where the doctors were using hypnosis to help treat soldiers with certain injuries and they taught my Dad the basics behind hypnosis. After a long recovery and return to civilian life, he continued his study of hypnosis and a new-found interest in comparison religions and psychic phenomena that came out of personal experiences he had while in prison camp. That led to his lifelong work and expertise in those fields.

Dad was proud of his Jewish heritage but considered himself a man of all religions. He took aspects of each that he admired and made them his own. We celebrated a lot of holidays!

David Lewis



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  1. Do you still do hypnosis sessions ? Also do you have gatherings at the warren light center. If so when and directions to the light center.

    1. Thank you for your post, Judith.

      Sol transitioned some years ago and the property of the Warren Light Center was sold. We have had some gatherings in recent years and we are waiting to see if someone will step forward to begin hosting them again. If and when that happens we will post a message on our home page.

      – The Archivist

  2. Greetings from the UK. I met Sol on several occasions in the 1970s when Sol and Elaine organised lectures for Dr Douglas Baker. Sol was a very kind and engaging person with a great sense of humour.

    1. Thank you for sharing your memory of Sol, Richard.

      We are here to collect stories from people to keep the memory of Warren Light Center and the people who were part of the experience. If you would like to write a short article we would be happy to see it and perhaps add it to the website.

      Thanks again,

      The Archivist

      1. To Richard Painter ; I totally agree with you . I also was a student in the 60s and 70s I heard of Sol Lewis again in Sedona Arizona when I moved there. Such an enlightened community. The best part of my life so far was my life of 10yrs in Sedona AZ. I met a lady there, that was from MI and got a job at the same business I worked at. She was in the office at the Sky Ranch Lodge Resort. She heard me speaking to a guest there about the pyramids in Egypt. The person I was talking to was a man named Ernie Kanzler who also was from Michigan. I would like to hear from you. So many great people have touched my life with the same thought processes,s as my own and not by chance for sure. My personal relationship with Earnest Kanzler is forever with me. Judith

  3. My father was a friend and student of your father’s I was 16 when my father handed me your father’s book changed my life!

    1. Thank you for sharing this, Jesse. David is not active on the site. We appreciate what you must have experienced. If you wish we can pass your comment on to David along with your email address. Please leave a reply if you would like us to do that.

  4. Sol Lewis was my first teacher of hypnosis, meditation & metaphysics in the early 1970’s. He was a regular guest on my Sunday morning radio talk show on WWWW-FM. Besides being extremely knowledgeable, Sol was a dear and loving man who lived the life he preached. I owe him a great debt and will love him always. Thanks for posting these old recordings.

    1. Michael,

      Apologies for the delay in approving your message. This one slipped past us.

      I met Sol a few times. His presence was something to see and feel. Ron Headley spent more time with him than I.

      Should you have any memories to share I’ll be happy to post them. You can reach me at

      – Jeff