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Warren Light Center (WLC) 2007 June Gathering
Click the center of an image to view the slideshow. __________________________________________ Note: This document is provided through the courtesy of Chantal Jacques.
Warren Light Center (WLC) 2006 June Gathering
Click the center of an image to view the slideshow. __________________________________________ Note: This document is provided through the courtesy of Chantal Jacques.
Warren Light Center (WLC) 30th Year June 1985 Gathering
Click the center of an image to view the slideshow. __________________________________________
Warren Light Center (WLC) 2001 September Gathering
From the clothing we can see that this is from the autumn conference. As an aside, we have no programs for any autumn conferences, so keep an eye out for any that you may have tucked away and please share them with this site so we may add them to the collection. Top row…
Warren Light Center (WLC) 2005 June Gathering
Click the center of an image to view the slideshow. __________________________________________ Note: This document is provided through the courtesy of Chantal Jacques.
Warren Light Center (WLC) 32th Year June 1987 Gathering
Click the center of an image to view the slideshow. __________________________________________
Good Morning,
My name is Donald Palko I currently live and work in the New London, Connecticut area and was a member of the Metaphysical Research Group of Sharon, PA. in the 1980’s. We were good friends with Bill and Angela Dye and the boys. We frequented the WLC quite a bit in those days. The group was headed by Taumi Rust who is no longer with us, along with a group of individuals John Linonis (He still lives in the Shenango Valley) Pete Fedak (Lives in the Greenville PA area (Last I heard)) and others I am not sure of anyone else of that group that survives. You can find me on Facebook at DonaldGreatOakPalko. I have been a practitioner of the Martial Arts since October 1979 and have trained with many Sensei along the way…So give me a shout at my email….See you Later Sensei Donald Palko (Founder of the Great Oak Karate Style).