Arena in Daytime
__________________________________________ Photo provided through the courtesy of Chantal Jacques.
__________________________________________ Photo provided through the courtesy of Chantal Jacques.
__________________________________________ Photos provided through the courtesy of Chantal Jacques.
This is the third series of photos of Warren Light Center taken Jun 2012 – This series begins at the curve where Don and Charlene’s trailer was – shows the main road looking south and the Guardian trees of the main camp and Arena. This is the end of the photos taken Jun 2012 at…
This is a continuation of the photos taken in June 2012 at the Warren Light Center. Click on any photo to open it in a light box that allow you to advance to each photo.
During a trip back to Franklin PA for Fire-walk in June of 2012 – Permission was obtained and a group of us were able to enter and tour the Warren Light Center Grounds. I took a walk all around the “top” and took a number of photos – click the photo to open in a…
Bill with Shirley Baum and Others